
Considering the uniqueness of this polytechnic, the Government of Karnataka has granted autonomous status in the year 1999. Under autonomy the institution develops its own curriculum based on the nature of disability and the industry needs. All programmes are following OBE (Outcome Based Education) curriculum since 2015-16, the current trend in the modern education system. The designed curriculum will be approved by the Academic Board of the institute.

​Also the institution conducts examination (both theory and practical) at the end of every semester. The dedicated examination section under the supervision of the Controller of Exams will carry out all the examination related processes including setting up of question papers, conduction of practical and theory examinations including valuation of answer booklets, etc,. ​The students are informed about the examination schedule and they are required to fill the examination application form and submit to the exam section within the prescribed last date along with the prescribed exam fees. The eligible students can avail time extension/extra 20 min/hr for writing examination. Also, Scribe facility is provided for the students who are unable to write the exam on their own.

At the end of each examination, the marks are tabulated and results are announced by obtaining the approval from the Awards Committee of the institution.The results of each department and the list of candidates eligible for the next higher semesters and successfully completed candidates will be uploaded below. The students can download these details by clicking the corresponding links.

Examination Section Staff Details:

Sl. No.



Contact Information


Mrs. Sunanda

Controller of Examinations



Mr. H S Shivakumar




Mr. H R Basavaraju



